Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

International Conference on Small and Medium Enterprise Development

Innovation and Sustainability in SME Development                                                               
Bali, June 14 – 16, 2012
The implementation group of women’s savings and loans (SPP)
(Case study : from Samsam village – Tabanan – Bali)
Anak Agung Dwi Widyani

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: dwiwidyani@yahoo.com

The latest data from Central Statistic Bureau (BPS) recorded that 46% of UMKM actors are women. This information is reinforced by the Minister of Women’s Empowerment (Meneg PP), which estimates 60% of micro businesses (including home businesses) are implemented by women and their families. So the government through the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) Rural Independent integrate women in the program of poverty handling through the Society Direct Aid (BLM). One type of activities funded through the BLM PNPM Rural Independent is the addition of capital savings and loans to groups of women (SPP). Groups of women being targeted due to their potential in the poverty alleviation program.
This study aims to determine the implementation of the Women's Savings and Loans (SPP) in the Samsam village, Tabanan, to determine the participation of women in the Women's Savings and Loans Samsam village, find out the gender issues that occur in the implementation of the Group of Women in the Village Savings and Loans Samsam, and to determine barriers constraints encountered in implementation of the Group of Women’s Savings and Loans in the Samsam Village.
The research method used was descriptive qualitative research methods. Data obtained by an interview of some parties that are directly related to the loan fund is proposed by PNPM Mandiri Rural Savings and Loans to Women's Groups in the Village Samsam.
The results showed that the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Rural on Women in the Village Savings and Loans Samsam were beneficial to the society, especially to women. However, in terms of its implementation that have not gone as well as expected, there are several things that may have caused the failure, including: misuse of borrowed funds to meet the needs of everyday life, non members of the group of Poor Households (RTM) were also able to obtain loan funds, implementations were not in accordance to Petunjuk Technical Operations (PTO) or Standard Operating Procedures, regular meetings planned that that never took place, and dual role of mothers who not only try to make a living but also to have to take care of their family.
Before the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Rural funding in particular the provision of funds to the SPP were done, all managers involved were expected to provide guidance on the importance of the involvement of members of the Women's Savings and Loans. Implementation of the PNPM MP must adjust to the rules in the Technical Guidelines for Operations (PTO) so as to avoid any deviations. Training for the chairman of the Women's Savings and Loans Group, secretary and treasurer are needed to improve the management of the group. Intensive mentoring by facilitators to groups who have obtained loans is also a must.  So one of the main goal of providing funds to the groups of women is to make them not as objects but rather as subjects in a gender-responsive poverty reduction program so it can be run well.

Keywords: Implementation; Group of Woman’s Saving and Loans (SPP)

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